Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Taxes that Make Grown Men Cry

It's Inevitable. Taxes. Yup that time of year taxes. Not that I am any different than anyone else in America, its just, I have this hard understanding of why we continue to pay taxes for something that you own. You own a house? Your paying property taxes. You own a car? Your paying property taxes on it. Each and every year. Isn't it so wonderful that property taxes are due at the end of the year? And isn't it nice when they send you the bill one month before Christmas. What a wonderful surprise you get each and every year. I understand that taxes are inflicted upon us to help better our country, schools, fire fighters, etc. In that context, its good to know that your helping out. But that's where income tax comes in. Why are we taxed so heavily on income, but come April, see very little in return. Taxes are indeed a non-voluntary donation to our country but sometimes its hard to see exactly where all this money is going, especially when you see headlines and headlines of all the problems our country faces. Fortunately and unfortunately, I will be again paying my property taxes this year, and the Holiday season will just take the hit.

If you make any money, the government shoves you in the creek once a year with it in your pockets, and all that don't get wet you can keep. - Will Rogers

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