Saturday, February 21, 2009

Time To Take Small Pause

It's time again for me to press the Blog button.

It's been a long while since I have last wrote, but lately things have indeed been ever so stessful and things piling on me worse than ever. Right now, I'm going through a long building change in perspective and simply reconsidering where I want to focus my energy and spare time (hint: writing, but not here). Also, as you know you can only bang your head on the wall for so long without something getting knocked loose that probably needs to be put back in place.

I sit back and look back at the last 6 months and a lot has been happening, taking place in my life, as well as the lives around me. Job related, I am so lucky to have the opportunity to work where I do especially in the times that we are facing. In all reality of things, life is very good right now but somedays it simply doesn't seem as real as it is. I can only sit back and think how blessed I am to be in the situation I am in. I have lots of forward looking thoughts and it's interesting to me in how many of them I imagine myself where I am for both the short-term and long-term. I am thankful for everything and continue looking forward at what lies ahead for me.

Getting back to focus, I have been really busy lately, especially with work. I guess thats a good thing. I just celebrated 6 months together with my wife, who has been nothing but fantastic. Its been a fun 6 months, both a learning and growing experience, and we are much stronger today than we were. My days continue to be just passing by ever so quickly, waking up to a full days work, heading to the gym afterwards, shower, dinner, and next thing I know its 8 oclock in the evening. At this point I realize that I have 3 hours left until I have to repeat the same thing again tomorrow. Its been ever so hard on me lately, just sitting back and thinking about life and how short it is. I feel like there is still so much in life that I want to do, but I think to myself that I only have 3 hours each day to do them in. I just can't seem to find within myself how this is going to work. So basically what I have come to terms with is to continue on with each day, but aiming to understand the importance of each day and just how lucky I am to get one more day.

So I say to you as I say to myself, Life's short, so chill out, sit back, and enjoy what you have.

Over time. Cheers.


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