Sunday, February 7, 2010

Time for Reflection, Again...

It's time again for me to press that unfamiliar Blog button.

I would say I’m a fairly honest individual.
I speak my mind, say it how it is, and I try to stand up for what I believe.

Call it inappropriate, call it “unladylike”, call it whatever you will….I’d like to speak about this over-sized elephant in the room that keeps whispering in my ear and tempting me to rant for just a moment.

This ugly elephant is whispering about the notorious blog factor.

Almost a year later, I've come back to this place of reason, this place I try to put down my thoughts.  I find it hard to put into words what this last year has been like for me.  I reflect on the things I have faced and overcome this past year and I stand before myself thinking one word. Wow.  When I think of the one thing in my life this past year that has had the greatest impact, I would have to say my career. As I have mentioned in the past, I am thankful for the job I have, and honestly believe I'm lucky to be in the postion I'm in, but I feel as though something is still missing. What that is, I'm not sure. I'm ever so thankful for everything and I feel I must continue looking forward at what lies ahead for me, starting with tomorrow. Something's on the horizon, I just dont know what it is yet.

So back to reality, I have been insanely busy with work lately with some pretty big projects that have been stressful on everyone.  I think about all the time I've been working I keep hoping that the light I see at the end of the tunnel is drawing near.  Each day passes I say to myself, maybe tomorrow it will come. I want to say that the future is clear for me, but in my field, it kind of feels like swimming in muddy water at times.  Either way, I will continue to remain positive and be glad I have the job I have.

My life as I know it is becoming more meaningful each day I grow older.  I believe that I'm really learning to appreciate each day that is given to me more and more. I honestly can't believe I'm about to turn 27 years old. 10 years ago I really considered that to be old. I think I still do. I try to slow down at times as I can't believe this is happening; life flying and passing by right before my own eyes.  I have a best friend (a.k.a. Wife) who regularly forces me to do just that; slow down and appreciate.

No really, I've been up to a lot. When I'm not working I try to get in some time in with the wife and still try to get some Xbox play in to keep up with the younger generation who continues to get better at gameplay while I seem to get worse.  Isn't that how its supposed to work?

So where have all the bloggers gone? I would like to post more often about things going on, but I really feel that the Blogging aspect of the net has really been eaten up by social networking sites like facebook and twitter that allow for the quick useless blog messages about what so and so is doing in 15 minute intervals of his/her life.  Other blogs have transformed into interesting articles or events in one's life which again get sucked up mostly in facebook world.

As for me, I'd like to continue to take a moment or two to sit back and think about the past, only so that I can reflect on all the happiness I've had. "Tomorrow never comes and yesterday never comes back, so live today to it's fullest so that your yesterdays will be remembered with happiness and your tomorrows will be full of brightness and hope." -- Nick Smith

So there you have it Mr. Elephant, don’t let the door hit your large gray ass on your way out.



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